Template Letter

Please use this template letter to support fair access to Eldwick School 
You can send it by post or email to educationconsultation@bradford.gov.uk 

Nina Mewse
Senior Research & Development Officer
School Organisation and Place Planning
Future House
Bolling Road

Changes to Eldwick Priority Admission Areas

Dear Ms Mewse

I am writing to object to your recent proposal to change the boundaries of priority area 1 and 2 for Eldwick Primary school. The new boundaries remove the majority of Gilstead from the catchment area.

These changes effectively leave the majority of children resident in Gilstead with no suitable alternative. These changes are neither reasonable or fair, and surely must contravene the schools code.

Since the school has now resided in Gilstead for 12 years now, we support the removal of a 2 tier priority area system, and propose that the existing catchment areas, which contain the whole of Eldwick and Gilstead are combined into one area.

Yours sincerely